Friday 29 July 2011

List of the Things/People I Hate...

Because I'm such a jolly soul, I decided to put together a short list of the things, but mainly people, I hate... Enjoy! :)

1. People that write on their 'about me' section "I like spending time with my friends." Well, duh. Who doesn't, you morons?

2. Adverts on YouTube. They actually seem to countdown the time remaining like: "Don't worry, you only have to endure me for another 17 more seconds." And for those of you doing the math, yes, that is enough time to load a revolver and pull the trigger. In loading time, on the internet though, that's like a lifetime. For those of you also wondering, no, that's not enough time to make a cup of tea or check your em@ils. It's just enough time, however, to hold your attention to their crummy ads, but, annoyingly, never enough to really do anything constructive. Sorry to bark on so much about this, but it really gets my goat!

3. People who stash horrible biscuits in their tins. Truly worse than having none whatsoever.

4. Gossip. I wish word of mouth would shut the fuck up.

5. When you pack a banana with your sandwiches and they end up tasting like banana. If I wanted a banana-tasting sandwich, I'd make a banana sandwich. Duh.

6. People who join groups (on Facebook) and actually appear to BRAG about knowing the difference between 'your', and 'you're'. I learnt that in primary school. And don't even get me started on the 'there', 'their' and 'they're' people. They're even worse. They seem to have some kind of superiority complex over the 'your' people for knowing one more word than them. I mean really, how thick are these people?

7. Small Talk: It's not big and it's not clever.

8. People who think liking your own status is unacceptable. Liking your own status must be Facebook approved, otherwise you wouldn't be able to do it.

9. When I can hear my neighbours having sex. Hearing them argue is far more entertaining.

10. Negative comments on cigarette packets. I'd much prefer positive messages like: "If you don't smoke you will live a long prosperous life."

11. The fact that downing cold, fizzy drinks - to a certain extent - actually hurts.

12.The idiot that forgot to write on the box how long you're supposed to pre-heat the microwave for.

13. That liking (Facebook) groups is like putting on weight; easy to gain, missions to lose.

14. Whoever did all the washing up in the house. You missed a bowl in my room. Gawd. 

14. Myself for writing 14 twice.

16. ...and thinking it was funny.

17. Anyone who didn't have the time to get to here.

18. Anyone who didn't even get to this page.

19. People that take themselves too seriously. 

20. Lists listing things people hate.

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